Wednesday, December 30, 2009

for cheryl

ok here's my thoughts the past couple days, i'll start with some simple algebra

art = play
everything else = work

life = art + everthing else

we live in a structured society, which while disgusting to some, can provide many benefits. the most most basic of which is means. means to eat, sleep, and satisfy ever human need. but society aint really that generous. it'll give you what you need but it needs you to provide your services to keep it going. This is where the work comes in. we all have talents or skills, learned or natural. these are the services that we can provide to help maintain the stability of the society. this is what we can provide that we will be compensated for. the means. its a relationship between yourself and the rest of the world that can be symbiotic. allowing the world to determine what you are, what you become, is allowing that relationship to become parasitic. and no one likes a parasite. it will drain everything you have inside you and ask for more. and its reward will be rendered hollow and empty. life is an exchange, which you have the ability to moderate.

i'm using art here as a very general way of describing abstract thought. art is applied to every other facet of life so dont think i'm saying work and play are mutually exclusive. they're not. some of the most successful, thriving, and innovative businesses employ a corporate environment based on play and apple, for example - what would it be like to work in a CORPORATE environment like this?:

Play is the experimentation in life. It's the kid inside of us that asks quesions just because its curious, that likes to play with dirt, and play-doh, and sand, just to see what it can create. its the intrinsic motivation in us thats existence is its reward.

not to say play cannot be rewarded, it can and is. but it takes work. art alone, creativity alone, means alot to society, but society doesnt want to admit. society has to be convinced that it needs it. you have to make it okay for society to relax a bit, to think a little bit freer, to wander, and drift, and play.

this is where work+play can become powerful, inspirational, life changing, world changing.

be aware: work cannot be play, play cannot be work. they must coexist but never be confused.
its all about finding that balance between work and play that allows you to fulfill your desires.

don't worry about being passionate about your craft. about your art. and you certainly shouldnt focus on being passionate about work.

the thirst has to be for life, the spirit and vigor that explodes outward when you wake up turns into excitement and curiosity, the eagerness to work and be productive.. that passion for life will be dispersed through its components and manifest itself in everything you do, multiplying the fuck outta the whole equation.

life(passion) = art(passion) + everything else(passion)

positive vibrations for 2010 everyone


  1. I have to read it again - but after the first read, I'm FEELIN the equation: work+play : "work cannot be play, play cannot be work. they must coexist but never be confused." Life is truly an exchange. The laws of God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, are all centered around balance. Art has always been at the center of "culture". Like the parasitic nature of allowing the world to dictate what one should be, one can become a parasite when we create art that is centered around what the world and society dictates (trends), and not what God has gifted us to share - what is truly inside of us.

    And that google complex is how all buildings should be built. I will make note - definitely the garden, recyclables, and the solar panels are all things that I wish to have for my own space.

    That is all for now - I get pushy because I know you have great things to share with the rest of the world. You help me a lot with your insight and I know you can do the same for others.

    Have a wonderful, blessed, and prosperous new year. I'll see ya!

  2. Exactly, I was trying to explain how art can be parasitic as well but i couldnt find the words, you nailed it. "TRENDS"... when work tries to pass itself off as art

    im glad to help in any way, i owe it. i learn so much from people that i really just feel privileged to be a part of the exchange of ideas like this. whether i realized it or not thats why i started this blog in the first place

    like you said, googles complex was literally built on forward thinking, that environment encourages people and provides them with space to think progressively as well. innovation inspires innovation... such is true for people

  3. " "TRENDS"...when work tries to pass itself off as art " true.

    Sometimes I'm accused of not being passionate about my craft/art. That thought always confused me. I think what people don't get- and what I, at the time, could not necessarily articulate- is that I am not overly passionate about it because it really is my life. I don't see people going around talking about how passionate they are about air and breathing. My craft is as necessary for me to live as the air I inhale. I am passionate about life. My craft is my life, if not a major aspect of it. Thus I am passionate about my craft. Duh.

    " life(passion) = art(passion) + everything else(passion) "

  4. i hope its just people wanting to push you to be better, but a little misguided in their efforts

    it doesnt make sense to take out certain parts of us and analyze them seperately, isolated. we work synergically on every level and we're so much greater than the sum of our parts. so doing is underestimating ourselves as a whole....


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self educated; self medicated
