Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fear and Self-Satisfaction

The two demons that stand between the people we are and the people we need to be. Different methods, but same goal. To stop you from change. I don't say stop you from improving because it's a personal choice whether you want to change for the better or worse.

Fear of judgement, fear of loss, fear of disappointment or failure. These are the things that limit us from trying new things, taking risks, and stepping out of our comfort zone. Fear is EVERYWHERE and it affects EVERYONE. Those who deny that are in a deep fucking hole.
But there is a cure for fear, and that is: FAITH. Faith in a higher power (in the most BROAD and VAGUE sense, for the sake of being applicable to as many people as possible), and/or faith in yourself. If you truly believe that you have the capabilities you need to be who you want to be, and you believe that the universe has it's way of working itself out, there's nothing that can stop you. Except:

This is what happens when people say things like "that's just the way I am." I strongly believe you are the person you want to be. TODAY, it's not a process, like "I'm going to become that kind of person." Talk is cheap, you ARE who you really WANT to be. Now being successful, famous, having a family, etc. are aspects of your life. They are not the person you are. So you may not be rich, but that doesn't mean you can't be who you want to be. Keep that in mind. You are who you want to be. And if you're not, you probably don't want it enough. Or at all. Self-satisfaction WILL halt any chance of you becoming better. Trust that.

I suffer from both of these.

"I ain't no perfect man, I'm trying to do, the best that I can... with what it is I have."
-Mos Def, Umi Says

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self educated; self medicated
