Thursday, November 26, 2009

Phil, I changed my mind

Edit - extra bonus! Lupe Fiasco - Enemy of the State Mixtape

I was debating between Lupe Fiasco and Eminem as the best lyricist (Important: NOT based on content, but on purely wordsmithing)

i have always considered eminem the best at rhyming but i have come to change that. Listening to Lu create trains of thought which have incredibly complex rhyme structures is awe inspiring. I dont think I ever totally appreciated it, but with this realization i decided to jump to the next logical conclusion:

Lupe fiasco is a genius. easily the best rapper out, as far as i have heard he is unparalled. its amazing how his verses are consistently challenging and demand so much of the listener - but never because of laziness on the part of the artist - .. WHILE maintaining a POSITIVE message? and not never being corny about it? whew

the funny thing is, even if you're a lazy listener and half the shit he says goes over your head, he's got enough flow, production value, rhyming ability, and mainstream appeal to keep your attention

he's a story-teller, a poet, packs punchlines, and a crafty lyricist. i mean dude has shades of all the greats . though I've heard some people who are better freestyle RHYMERS even his freestyles are legit.

[for the record, until someone changes my mind, eminem is still the best freestyler battler i've heard]

definetely a TOP tier rapper, possibly the most complete package i've heard, and however popular as he is, VERY underrated.

thats my final answer, regis.

and here's your reward for reading this:


  1. haha
    wat can i say man, i cosign.

  2. AMEN to majority of the above.
    However, I find Eminem to be HIDEOUSLY overrated. Another friend of mine who's musik and artistic opinion I respect, like you, has said the same exact thing about Eminem...freestyle beast. I am going to revisit his musik (or at least his freestyles). Expect a copy of my report on your desk next week. :-P


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self educated; self medicated
