Tuesday, November 30, 2010

mm hmm

American Psychosis: What happens to a society that cannot distinguish between reality and illusion?

via projectworldawareness

The United States, locked in the kind of twilight disconnect that grips dying empires, is a country entranced by illusions. It spends its emotional and intellectual energy on the trivial and the absurd. It is captivated by the hollow stagecraft of celebrity culture as the walls crumble. This celebrity culture giddily licenses a dark voyeurism into other people’s humiliation, pain, weakness and betrayal. Day after day, one lurid saga after another, whether it is Michael Jackson, Britney Spears or John Edwards, enthralls the country … despite bank collapses, wars, mounting poverty or the criminality of its financial class.


9eyes of Google Street View

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

what the fuck
i just realized
i vent in venues that are much too like a menu
pick and choose what to listen to
who your friends are at specific moods
changing by the minute
its too easy to feign connections
makes correcting a life too precious
insignificant.. its an invention
creative, ill admit it
progressive? i have questions.
necessary? unfortunately.
progressing? optomistically.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I believe in life
I believe that the only way to create joy
is to juxtapose those moments with strife
I don't believe in eternal bliss
But that God is in us, through us, and around us
I believe we are here to simultaneously
birth the best and worst in the universe
and its up to us to perceive
our heaven or hell

Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill

Friday, November 19, 2010

bored of lying, bored of being insincere, but seeming sincere
bored of the rewards
bored of feeling trapped
by my facial hair
by my bills
by my pen
bored of people
who i can literally script conversations with
small talk
bored of your fucking priorities
bored of black and white
bored of safe
bored of U Street, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Chinatown, H Street, Bethesda, Silver Spring,
bored of numbness,
bored of passive aggressive conflict avoidance
its a fucking disease
bored of guilt trips
attempting to control another human being
is apparently ok,
bored of just not getting it
and right now,
honestly, bored of myself

The 1-Step Plan for Super Productivity

"When I interview creatives, I often ask them what advice they would give to the next generation, the up-and-comers. Curiously, there’s one incredibly important habit that nearly all of them possess that is almost never mentioned. So what is the secret ingredient in their productivity regime? It’s simple: They get up early."

So how can you become an early riser?
Getting up early is like most any habit that makes you a more productive creative: It’s hard at first. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Set an exact time to get out of bed.

If you normally get up at 11am, it’s unrealistic to start abruptly getting up at 6am. Think about what time you’d like to be getting up in the morning, and work up to it. Try to wake up 30 minutes earlier every week, until you get to the desired time.
2. Move up your bedtime in sync with the time you plan to get up.

Seven to eight hours of sleep is the recommended dosage for maximal productivity (with a few super-human exceptions). So if you’re getting up at 6am, you’ll want to go to bed by 11pm at the latest. If you try to go to bed at midnight and get up at 5am, you’re eventually going to run into some problems.
3. Get out of bed immediately.

The moment that you start procrastinating – read: hit the snooze button – it’s very easy to convince yourself of a multiplicity of reasons why you wouldn’t want to get out of bed yet. Don’t even allow those thoughts to kick in – just get up!
4. Expose yourself to sunlight.

Sunlight is key to adapting your circadian rhythms. If you’re having trouble getting up, don’t close your blinds all the way, so you have some natural light as your wake-up call. Once you’re up, a short walk (or run) outside helps reinforce the message with your body.

5. Develop a routine for your morning.

Whether it’s taking in the sunrise, brewing a cup of tea and reading the paper, or walking to the cafĂ© down the street for a cup of joe, you’re more likely to continue to get up early if you develop a brief routine that is, in itself, a reward.

6. Stick with it.

Know going in that it’s going to take some time to adapt to waking up early – probably about 30 days. Don’t expect to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from Day 1. But if you stick with it, getting up early is likely to become one of your favorite rituals.

read the whole article here

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quote of the Day

"You are always in the process of making yourself into you."
- Albert Murray

heres some adrenaline for your office

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

just saying

catchy apple commercial indie music

Chairlife - "Bruises"


"The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. "
– Ayn Rand

"Listen. There are 200 countries in the world now. Do these people honestly think that God is sitting around picking out his favorites? Why would he do that? Why would God have a favorite country? And why would it be America out of all the countries? Because you have the most money? Because he likes our National Anthem? Maybe it’s because he heard we have 18 delicious flavors of Classic Rice-A-Roni! It’s delusional thinking! And America is not alone with this sort of delusions. Military cemeteries around the world are packed with brainwashed dead soldiers who were convinced God was on their side. America prays for God to destroy our enemies. Our enemies pray for God to destroy us. Somebody’s gonna be disappointed. Somebody’s wasting their fucking time. Could it be everyone?"
– George Carlin

"The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder."
- Jim Morrison

"Human communities depend upon a diversity of talent, not a singular conception of ability."
- Sir Ken Robinson

About Me

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self educated; self medicated
