Thursday, July 28, 2011

Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business from 99% on Vimeo.

available here

might need this


so good

Study: Men Who Dig Art and Culture are Happier, Healthier and Calmer

By David DiSalvo

What I like about Norwegian researchers is that they are always trying to figure out what makes us more satisfied with life. You might say it’s their ”thing.” In the latest happy, happy volley from Norway, researchers have determined that guys who dose on culture are better off in mind and body than their uncultured counterparts.

The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, kept tabs on roughly 50,000 men and women to assess life satisfaction, perceived state of health, anxiety and depression.

Overall, both men and women who participated in cultural activities—including playing an instrument, painting, going to the theater and visiting museums—had lower levels of anxiety and depression, reported more life satisfaction, and generally “felt better” than those not participating in cultural activities.

But the biggest beneficiaries were men. And here’s the strange part: men more interested in watching and looking at culture—in museums and art galleries, for example – enjoyed the greatest benefits of all; even more than men actively participating in cultural and creative activities.

As odd as that may sound, it’s actually a well-evidenced result. Several studies from the early 1990’s onward have shown that exposure to art strongly correlates with lower anxiety and depression. A study published just last year in the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing showed that hospitalized psychiatric patients required less anxiety medication when they were regularly exposed to art (the result was tracked through nurses who administer the meds — right from the source, so to speak).

These and other convincing results make a case that art has a quite tangible health value, even apart from the qualities we admire and value for more obvious reasons. The second study I mentioned above took the added step of quantifying how much money could be saved on meds and nurses’ time using the art-exposure method, and came up with an estimated savings of $30K a year per patient.

Worth noting, the Norwegian study also showed that the bigger the cultural dose, the more benefits one receives — suggesting that when you next visit a theater, museum or art gallery, you’d be wise to breathe deep and dose big.

via forbes

VIZIE graf

Artist Driven - Vizie Night from LRG on Vimeo.

cheetah print??

here's another one

Artist Driven - Vizie Day from LRG on Vimeo.

via theworldsbestever

Monday, July 25, 2011

graphic design

amazing graphic designed by apfelzet design studio for direktorenhaus, a gallery in Berlin


Friday, July 22, 2011

keep them crisp


U2's FanCam - Gigapixel 360 degree photo of a show on U2's 360 Tour

This is the photograph. The scrolling white LED lettering straight ahead (pretty much at dead center of the photograph) says "Howard University Vs. Morgan State University."
Just to give you an idea of how much you can zoom into this picture, I zoomed in on that.

Yes, that gentleman is just above the "U" in "Howard University"


check it out yourself here

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."

- Michaelangelo

This is actually the quote I was looking for

"Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop."

- Michaelangelo

thats a quote.

and dont forget about that documentary i posted a while back, The College Conspiracy. that $800,000 aint so fancy

The Finland Phenomenon

DVD documentary available for purchase at 2MMinutes

via boingboing

shout out! haha

but in all seriousness, education is a big deal to me. I've had a few really good teachers in my life (one in particular, R.I.P.) and they all stick with you. they change you in a way thats not intrusive or limiting, but they open you up.

those teachers stuck with me. the rest? waste of time.

i suppose proper education takes hard work on both sides of the desk, but all i remember is: homework, easy, bored, wompwompwomp, lazy, stop working, oh shit test, cram, vomit information, and that hazy glossed over feeling after a test. no wonder kids drink so much. how are you supposed to learn like that?

i dont remember learning, i remember listening, and getting bored. i remember trying to take notes furiously so at least i can review, and not remembering what the hell they were talking about. i remember eventually the little cartoon characters becoming more important in my notes. eventually you lose track of why youre doing it altogether. at least i did. so i tried just to impress people. and when those people weren't impressed, what else was there?

ok, rant over

did i mention that its free to go to college in Finland?

Thursday, July 21, 2011


creating lightbulbs out of.... plastic bottles?

via reuters

Another Earth

you know how you watch a movie and its not what you expected? this preview did that to me. twice

also i really like this theory, about parallel universes and all that - theres one that claims (sensibly) that IF the universe is infinite, then just by mathematical definition there are infinite versions of earth, and every iteration of every sequence of events possible, meaning a version of Earth where everything was the same except you DID ask that one girl out

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

L.A., ca. 1907
via wiki

"fight like you can't win"

Monday, July 11, 2011

Salar de Uyuni - (in case it wasn't clear, this is REAL PHOTOGRAPH)

...the world's largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi). It is located in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, and is elevated 3,656 meters (11,995 ft) above the mean sea level.

referred to as the border between heaven and earth

pic from tomrawski flikr
info from wiki and fuckyeaheyecandy

"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry eloquent painting."

- Greek poet Simonides, who also said "A man gains no possession better than a good woman, nothing more horrible than a bad one."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

About Me

My photo
self educated; self medicated
